Monday, December 10, 2012

the Life I've led, and the Life to Come

Time to check-in..
There have been so many changes in my life, and it's hard to know just where to start. I feel that if I write in third person, it may help with this issue.


The Thompson Marriage passed away October 22, 2012 after a loving life of two years. Although heart broken and sad, the two survivors have hope for the future and support for one another. There can be many factors that can play into a marriage and it's death; however only those directly involved can fully understand how and why. There is no regret from it's life, perhaps just lessons learned, and a hope for the future.

Present Day

"A new dawn and new day"  (thanks Lisa :D )
danielle is continuing to work on her education and pursuing a career in Health/Athletics/Athletics. She hopes to someday soon be certified as a yoga instructor as well as continue her own athletic career. danielle has been extremely lucky with her support group through a time of grieving, and they have pushed her to continue living the life she has always dreamed of living. danielle loves to play Professional Football, and hopes to continue that career with the Utah Jynx. danielle hopes to someday soon relocate to California, and to visit the four corners of the Earth.

1 comment:

  1. Dani, you are a lovely young woman and so dear to me. Live life on your own terms. Choose happiness. And always, always know you are welcome in my home anytime.

