Tuesday, March 6, 2012

FOOD BLOG: 3/6/12

As I have a big interest in food and how it benefits our body, I've created a Food Blog in order to document what I eat/drink. I hope to share some ideas, as well as gain some good ideas in return! I will post pictures and video, so please 1. read 2. comment 3. share!

Eat, drink, and be merry (not dead from the lack of nutrition!)

Dinner: Hamburger, BBQ, Tomato, cheese

Juicing: Orange, Brussel Sprouts + 'Ginseng Master'

My side salad, using the pulp from Juicing!

Oranges nutrition sheet
Brussel Sprouts nutrition sheet
Hamburger nutrition sheet
Tomatoe nutrition sheet
Cheddar Cheese nutrition sheet