Monday, December 10, 2012

the Life I've led, and the Life to Come

Time to check-in..
There have been so many changes in my life, and it's hard to know just where to start. I feel that if I write in third person, it may help with this issue.


The Thompson Marriage passed away October 22, 2012 after a loving life of two years. Although heart broken and sad, the two survivors have hope for the future and support for one another. There can be many factors that can play into a marriage and it's death; however only those directly involved can fully understand how and why. There is no regret from it's life, perhaps just lessons learned, and a hope for the future.

Present Day

"A new dawn and new day"  (thanks Lisa :D )
danielle is continuing to work on her education and pursuing a career in Health/Athletics/Athletics. She hopes to someday soon be certified as a yoga instructor as well as continue her own athletic career. danielle has been extremely lucky with her support group through a time of grieving, and they have pushed her to continue living the life she has always dreamed of living. danielle loves to play Professional Football, and hopes to continue that career with the Utah Jynx. danielle hopes to someday soon relocate to California, and to visit the four corners of the Earth.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

FOOD BLOG: 3/6/12

As I have a big interest in food and how it benefits our body, I've created a Food Blog in order to document what I eat/drink. I hope to share some ideas, as well as gain some good ideas in return! I will post pictures and video, so please 1. read 2. comment 3. share!

Eat, drink, and be merry (not dead from the lack of nutrition!)

Dinner: Hamburger, BBQ, Tomato, cheese

Juicing: Orange, Brussel Sprouts + 'Ginseng Master'

My side salad, using the pulp from Juicing!

Oranges nutrition sheet
Brussel Sprouts nutrition sheet
Hamburger nutrition sheet
Tomatoe nutrition sheet
Cheddar Cheese nutrition sheet

Monday, February 20, 2012

Change up

As you can see, I decided to mix up the blog. Although I took Ryan out of the title, the blog still includes him; however, because he has his own blog and blogs about his interests, I wanted to return this blog to it's natural state.

This blog is title 'me and the Life i lead' . If you couldn't derive the meaning from the title, let me help you out. This blog's purpose is to, in no particular order, update my friends and family on things that are going on, provide an outlet for me and of course entertain the world outside of my fishbowl.

A little catch up..

I was born a valentines baby and grew up as the oldest of 4 brothers, 1 sister. We are best of friends nowadays and love to reminisce on old times. I grew up playing any and every type of sport I could, because I had to keep up with the boys. I was a huge tomboy and have maintained some of that complex into adulthood.

I play Women's semi-professional football, full-contact NFL rules, for the Utah Jynx, as a Slot Receiver. #16!! This is my first season and I've loved every bit of it!

I was married on April 28th 2010 to my best friend Ryan. We are great at making each other laugh and teasing one another. We dated for about a year and a half before we decided to tie the knot and start our life together.

We got our little 'bundle of joy' the summer of 2011. We call him Boston and he's an Australian Shepherd. I've always heard that your dog is, in a way, a reflection of you... He is energetic, mischievous and always moving and looking for stuff to do. Ryan likes to joke and say that I'm like Boston because I'm extremely independent and don't like to go with the flow.. needless to say Boston and I get along well (unless he's placing an extremely slobbery ball in my hand.. because I don't do that)

Ryan and I live in an apartment and both go to school. We're living the newly-wed dream: broke and building the foundation of our lives. We've got bills to pay and are working to get ahead in life; however, the journey this allows is extremely unique and worthwhile. I mean come on.. I'm blazing the open road with my best friend!!

I'm going to school at SLCC to get some prerequisites out of the way before returning to the universities. I graduated with my associates degree years ago and have been working full-time every since. Now i'm working full-time and going to school (and football a couple times a week). I am working towards a Bachelors degree in either Athletic Training or Fitness Leadership and then will continue with a Masters degree in Dietetics. All in all, I want to work as a Dietician with that fitness background. I would love to work for a sports team and also do consultant work. Now to get through all that school.. if anyone has scholarship information related the these fields, please let me know- anything to get my feet wet!

Ryan is going to begin the Police Academy soon and wants to pursue law enforcement (the career not actual chasing police). He also loves the salt water aquarium hobby. He has a salt water tank with corals and a fish, he loves so many aspects to it that its hard to keep track = he's a nerd. love him!

Between Ryan's full-time work schedule and school and my full-time work schedule, school and football, we manage to see each other on Sundays.. makes for a great marriage right!?!! haha.. no we make it work. It pays the bills and we're allowed to be us. That's something that's great about 'us' or as hollywood puts it Ryielle.. we build and rely on one another but we build each other up as individuals and support one another. Think about it.. I have a husband that supports me, a 115 lb girl, in playing full-contact NFl rule football... geez I love you babe!

Okay enough for today. Peace and Love.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Quirks, Love, Life ~ Journal Therapy.

I'm just going to do it, like ripping off a bandaid (A huge bandaid with superglue infused between the fibers of skin and cloth)..

My therapist (yes, I see a therapist), says that journaling is healthy and that I should give it a shot. Because I feel too weird 'complaining' about myself in a paper journal, I decided that if I blogged I am expressing more of an opinion and that I would healthily be expressing myself but in a more conscious way so that I am more careful of what I write. I also am trying to write more music for my guitar. Also a healthy idea.

As I was talking with Ryan this morning, about my recent changes, I became more aware of what I love. Whether it is love for Ryan, friends, family, myself or things that I do. Here is a compilation of things I love and different quirks I value.. (healthy, right?)

** Ryan. He love me for who I am. He understands me (or tries too!) He can always make me laugh. He makes me feel beautiful even when I feel ugly.

** Soccer. I guess it's an ego boost, but I love the feeling I get when I can dribble the ball around defenders and make a good play. I love that achievement.

** Pain. Yes, pain. I love the feeling I get when I play or work hard and the pain that follows. It's always a reminder of what I've done. 

** Music. Music is a beautiful way to express emotion, even when you're not sure how to. Whether it's writing music, screaming at the top of your lungs, or jamming to it - you can't go wrong. 

** Values and strife. Even if I don't believe in the same value - I so greatly respect when others are trying to be a better them. I recently spoke with one of my best friends, who has such great plans for herself in the future and I hope she does everything she can to achieve them. 

** Nature. Life would be dull and boring without an outdoors. I love the dirt, sand, clouds, pavement, trees, water etc. I love using my body to make the natural elements coincide with what I want to achieve in my mind. When I speed down a cold, snowy hill and my legs support every change in pressure with my snowboard~ that's beautiful. When I use my finger to trigger a picture, on my camera, of the mountains ~ beautiful. Performing a stroke amongst water and it propels me forward ~ beautiful. The same best friend listed above, has helped me realize what i've done. I feel I am a very humble person and sometimes don't realize and appreciate the things I've done in my life. My life accomplishments deal greatly with nature. We decided that I am a very simple person..

** Simplicity. I love the simplicity of things. A simple piece of wood and you would think nothing of it; however, examining closer, you see the simple and natural detail. This is what I call quirks. I don't like drama and I'm sorry (well actually I'm not, but don't take offense) I can't stand watching people be idiots, getting knocked up, being stuck up, being snotty, and ruining lives on tv. Yes, I am guilty of watching an occasional 'Housewives' but then I catch myself and realize my appreciation for my life and NOT theirs. I hate listening to people bitch about how they hate drama and yet that's all I hear from there mouths. I will get off of my soapbox now, because this leads me to my next love..

**Freedom, mistakes and making things right. I am not perfect (by any means). Like I am, I'm sure some would be ashamed to here of my 'sins' - whatever. I am in love with the idea that I can be who I am and make changes. I love seeing that in other people (refer to above). Sometimes its hurtful to see people make decisions because they are not what you would choose (notice I did not use 'making wrong decisions'. Who decides what's wrong and right? think about it. Reflect on what you believe. That belief and soul/karma/entity inside you is what sends feelings through your body, deciding whats wrong and right. I just wish people listened to their third eye more. If you believe something, then do what you believe. As far as religion goes, I feel I see many people that say they believe something and yet do not follow their beliefs. "Do or do not, there is not try." ~Thanks, Yoda. This bullet is a giant circle because no one is perfect. Just try and do, don't tell Yoda. We can't all be Jedi warriors.

**My body. This is an unusual love for most women. My thighs are too big, I have a gut, Ugh- this mole. I'm sure you women that read this (if you've kept with me) have had at least one of these thoughts. I have become more and more involved in Yoga. Contrary to what I believed previously, It is not all just stretching. The beginning of each class, we close our eye, put our hands to heart center/ our third eye , we bow our head and we silently thank ourselves for our body and where we are that day. Usually this Yoga session is after dealing with work, family or other stressful things, and it brings me back to myself. We need 1-on-1 time with ourselves. Reflect on ourselves and thank ourselves for where we are today. We focus on the then and now; not on where we were (with our stretching or emotionally) last week, but where we are at the moment. As we were stretching and bringing our knees into our chest, I looked at my knees and thought "I love my knees!" I felt so happy. I have never had that thought until that moment. Our body does so much for us. Learning self-discipline is such an accomplishment and such a struggle. The accomplishment comes from the struggle. Learn to love your body (and do YOGA :) )

**Journal therapy. There I feel better. I guess it is healthy. Even if you don't read this, it has served it's purpose for me. I also can't edit what I've said because that requires me reading through it and I don't want to recall it; it's in the past. 

Move forward.

Listen to within.

Friday, August 13, 2010

the Wedding Day

There was so much that happened on our big day!! 
From rainy and cold weather to fun with friends and family. 
Below is just a small inkling of what we experienced.

Our First picture as a married couple!

Parents and Grandparents

Ryan's Clan

Danielle's clan (minus Jeff)

The Friends

Ryan and his guys.

Danielle and her girls.

Boys will be boys.

Our Cake!

Our first dance.

He was nice :)

Not quite the same effect with a short dress as a long flowing dress..

the Honeymoon ~ San Diego

For our honeymoon we decided to go to San Diego! It was b-e-a-utiful , sunny & 70 the entire trip!

This is within a couple of hours of getting to our hotel at the Grande Plaza. Thanks to some help, we got a sweet suite!

This picture shows 1 of 2 rooms we had, This one is the suite addition. It included a bar area, couches, dining room table and beds and bath. The other room was a typical bed and bath!

We were fortunate enough to be  in town the same weekend as the San Diego Padres! The stadium was massive, we had killer front row seats, and even got our churro (even if it was rock solid).

It was a busy but super fun honeymoon. We made sure to visit the Wild Animal Park and found these rare and vicious birds called "ducks". I barely made it out with my fingers! Although they were not quite that fierce, they were plenty of fun to feed!

Ryan really seemed to enjoy the Ape Exhibit at the Wild Animal Park.. I can't help but think that he resembles them in this picture.. 

We were literally inches away from one female lion! As shown in this picture, the only thing separating the humans from the lions was a wall of glass. "Nice Kitty!"

We made the effort to visit the San Diego LDS Temple (which is my absolute favorite one).

The San Diego LDS Temple. It happened to be under construction while we were there, but none-the-less, even with construction it has a certain 'awe' about it.

It was our visit to Sea World that caused Ryan to decide he needed a bigger aquarium, and me to regret taking him! We saw the Shamu show (from the dry section) and were astounded at his acrobatic abilities.

There were many exhibits in Sea World that allowed you to pick-up and pet animals, including this starfish!

We made sure to visit the sandy beaches in San Diego a couple of times. This particular time, the Tide was moving in and the sun setting. It was different enjoying our time, sitting on large rocks, watching the waves crash in. Wouldn't trade it for anything!

The last day of the trip, we got a shot of us in our bride/groom hats. The beach that we're at had so much going on around it! There were restaurants, games, a roller coaster, small rides and little shops that were filling the air with an inviting tune.

Established April 28, 2010

We each began a new life April 28th. Our lives merged from one-alone, to one-together. Although this was an important and large mile marker, we would not be where we are today without where we were the Summer of 2008.

Ryan and I met through; although we had some help from some family members, is where the magic started. For those who are not aware of what is, it is an online socializing network. It went from emails twice a week to emails daily and than quickly to texting and meeting in person. 

Giving a lot of credit to Ryan, it was a couple months before we were, what people call, "official".  A year and a half later and we were engaged (although we had talked about it for a good year), and three months later we were married for time and all eternity. We wouldn't want it any other way. 

We wanted to start this blog to keep all our family and friends involved in our lives, as well as yours. 

And let it begin!