Tuesday, March 6, 2012

FOOD BLOG: 3/6/12

As I have a big interest in food and how it benefits our body, I've created a Food Blog in order to document what I eat/drink. I hope to share some ideas, as well as gain some good ideas in return! I will post pictures and video, so please 1. read 2. comment 3. share!

Eat, drink, and be merry (not dead from the lack of nutrition!)

Dinner: Hamburger, BBQ, Tomato, cheese

Juicing: Orange, Brussel Sprouts + 'Ginseng Master'

My side salad, using the pulp from Juicing!

Oranges nutrition sheet
Brussel Sprouts nutrition sheet
Hamburger nutrition sheet
Tomatoe nutrition sheet
Cheddar Cheese nutrition sheet


  1. Your so grown up and beautiful! I totally want that juicer and I think it's way cool that you play football! I thought the info on your video's was great.

  2. hey well thanks!!

    REPORT on the Salad with Pulp - instead of spinach, I would recommend Romaine Lettuce.. I at least like the taste better :)
